Meet Our Team

A native of Oregon, Sergio earned his Bachelor's in Pastoral Ministry at Corban University and an MDiv in Theology and Church Development from Corban School of Ministry. He served as a youth pastor at Iglesia Bautista Cristo Vive, where he was ordained as a minister of the Gospel in 2015. During that period, he also served as an Army officer. He then transitioned to Way of Life, serving as an elder before serving as the Lead Pastor at West Salem Baptist Church. In addition to serving as our pastor, he serves as the Director of Intercultural Ministries with Church Venture NW. Sergio’s wife is named Katie, and his daughter's names are Audrey and Sophia.

Gregorio Rodriguez
Pastor Gregorio Rodrigues planted the Hispanic ministry Iglesia Bautista West Salem in May 1994. He has remained faithful in serving the Hispanic community of the Edgewater District and beyond for over 29 years. His passion is to reach our neighborhood with the gospel. He enjoys camping and rooting for the Chivas de Guadalajara and the Mexico National Team.
Jerry Yarbrough
Wayne Sunderman
Greg Ego
Bible Teacher
Michael Noland
Church Secretary
Worship Team
Greg Ego
Kara Null
Dan Johnson
LaVerne Widmer