We spur one another to Love God, Love our Neighbors, and Love people from all Nations.
A Diverse Church for a Diverse People

A Diverse Church for a Diverse People

Making disciples of Jesus across the street and across the world.

Welcome Page

“Since the gospel of Jesus Christ set us free,
we proclaim the whole gospel
to the whole world.”

West Salem Baptist Church


Whether you’re new to church, have been a Christian for a long time, or are looking for a fresh start, you’re welcome here. Our hope is that you will find West Salem Baptist to be a safe and life-giving place where you can experience God and community. When my family and I arrived at WSBC, we were genuinely loved. People wanted to know us, cared about us, and wanted to help us experience God in our lives. I know you will find the same to be true for you. We would like the opportunity to get to know you, hear your story, and grow closer to God together. No matter where you are from or what you have walked through to get here, WSBC is a place where you can belong.

Sergio Aguirre
Senior Pastor | West Salem Baptist Church

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the boundless greatness of His power toward us who believe...” – Ephesians 1:18-19


  • Nursery – Babies through Pre-School can check in at the nursery at 10:15 AM.
  • Child Care – 10:45 AM in the Education Building


1373 8th Street NW
Salem, OR 97304
503 362 0538